You Need to Know Things That Can Cause Your Face Being Greasy!


Here are 10 factors trigger oily face so that you are not wrong in addressing the problems you face.

1. Genetic Factors
Oily face is a genetic problem also. If you have an oily face problems so you need to see the face of your parents, if they face too greasy or not. Because the oily face problems was the case that naturally decline.

2. Cosmetics
Cosmetics can not only beautify the face, but also cosmetics unfavorable impact to face. Too always use cosmetics without frequent cleaning so would affect your greasy face.

3. Change of seasons

There is a change of seasons from hot to cold can cause your face greasy. But if that oily because this aspect so it is easy to overcome, by way of customized cosmetics appropriate protective face each season.

4. Drugs

Usually the drugs we consume have side effects that we do not recognize. One of the side effects which we often do not realize that drugs make our face oily. Therefore, if you are middle consumption of drugs and suddenly face greasy, do not get too surprised.

5. Errors products

Choose skin care products can not be random. In select product you should know your skin type and customize it. Do not quickly influenced by products that give you promises of instant beauty.

6. Stress

Stress may make your skin oily. Because when you stress so your body will always respond by producing oil, including your face.

7. Beauty Tools

If you use powder put on the sponge and wipe your face with a brush, so it may be the cause of oily face. Because if not often contrived clean it possible mengadung bacteria.

8. Tanning

Some people use tanning method that can dry the face. But they did not understand that then face so turned produce excess oil and oily often result in your face.

9. Lifestyle

If you have a lifestyle that is not healthy so would cause too in your body. Thus most of the system in the body and face will influence your lifestyle will be ugly. Therefore protect good lifestyle also will have an effect both on your face.

10. Diet

Diet is one aspect that is very difficult to control. continually eat greasy food so would affect your face, and do not control eating foods that contain fat.

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