Try this simple recipe.. If You Want Beautiful and Looks 10 Years Younger?

If you want to refresh and rejuvenate your face, you do not have to waste a lot of time or money.

This is a very good prescription mask to tighten the skin, believe it or not, this potent compose of natural ingredients.

What do you need?

1/2 bananas
3 tablespoons oatmeal mixed in yoghurt
1 tablespoon honey
1 egg

Dissolve bananas and mixing them in honey, eggs and this solution. The time before you start to apply the mask wash your face.

As well as begin to dab your face with a solution that has been prepared with the application of masks.

Let the solution dry on the face 15 to 20 minutes to dry well. Then wash your face with warm water, then cold.

Bananas are rich with nutrients that are very good for the skin as well as through the way it proved, they are very good fighter on the face wrinkles. Until you increasingly look beautiful.

Lactic acid from yogurt in combination with oatmeal will peel your skin with a good, and honey provide the necessary hydration.

This mask can be used everyone. Fill every skin type and can be used daily.

For notes, the observed effect will be slower than the cosmetic effects, but the results of this mask is more useful for your face, because it does not contain chemicals that do not need as well as natural to tighten advance.

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